McFarland's Upper Murray Soap (M.U.M.S.) was born in 2009. My family and I lived on a dairy farm at the time of the economic crisis when milk prices plummeted. I tried to find ways to add value to our milk and as I grew up watching my mother make soap and I, myself, had carried on the tradition intermittently , I thought using the milk in soap would be a perfect way to combine my hobby and our business. As I was choosing the ingredients for my first batches of soap, I decided to utilize as many local products as I could. This included olive oil, tallow, honey, peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil. The business slowly, but steadily grew. We left the dairy and moved to our own farm nestled in its own beautiful valley, now the only cows we milk are a couple of house cows that are happy to raise their calves and provide us with enough milk to drink and of course make soap.
Through selling my produce I have met a lot of wonderful people and made some great friendships. And I have seen the soap travel to many places both in Australia and Overseas.
We regularly attend the Upper Murray Farmers Market, Corryong Antique Machinery Rally, Cudgewa Hall Markets, WOW weekend at Walwa. At all other times our soap can be found at maggie mae, and Corryong Health Foods , both in the main street of Corryong, or directly from us.